Program Overview

M. Phil. program


Our M. Phil. program in full-time mode offers a stimulating environment to the students towards creation and advancement of management knowledge and practice through scholarly research. The program has been designed to ensure that students acquire advanced knowledge of literature and theory in their area of specialization and related interdisciplinary areas. The program further attempts to equip the scholars with relevant tools and techniques of research so that they can identify and study intricate issues in various domains of management. The course curriculum in place helps the students to gain adequate expertise as scholars and academicians.

Program Goal: This program aims at developing engaged scholarship with true professionalism.

Engaged Scholarship

We want to train a generation of researchers who attain scholarly proficiency through addressing social, economic and ecological challenges faced by corporations and communities alike. We want them to be sufficiently trained and equipped to apply scientific methods and theoretical insights to addressing real world business and societal challenges.

True Professionalism

We define True Professionalism, based the insights gained from the work of David Maister, as the courage to care about one’s students, colleagues, clients, and career. We believe that our doctoral students should be passionate towards research, teaching, consulting and community engagement. They should be able to appreciate the importance of balancing between rigour and relevance in their profession.

In light of the M. Phil. Program goal, we have underlined the following Program Learning Outcomes:

Engaged Scholarship

  • Students will be able to formulate research questions addressing social and organizational issues

  • Students will be able to apply scientific methods and theoretical insights to address real- world business and societal challenges

True Professionalism

  • Students will develop an appreciation for the importance of balancing between rigor and relevance in teaching and research

  • Students will develop skills for effective oral and written communication of scholarly findings