Our Mission and Vision


To influence the Way World Conducts Business and Business Schools Engage the World.

World Conducts Business

In our view, everything outside our school's campus is the world. We influence the world through developing graduates with global sensitivity and scholarly & social entrepreneurial mindset. Through our programs, we help them understand the value of efficiency-enhancing mechanism of the free market and at the same time educating them the power and limitations of profit-maximizing mechanisms. Our graduates are prepared to create economically and environmentally sustainable businesses and communities.

Business Schools Engage the World

As a School, we are committed to becoming a role model for other schools in the way we engage the community, other institutions and corporations around us and beyond. Our curriculum incorporates various activities which are relevant to sustainable energy use, literacy, environmental protection & pollution prevention and economic sustainability.


We want to be the source of impactful ideas for influencing the way world conducts business through research, teaching, consulting, corporate & community engagement and communicating including through social media platforms.

A Source of Most Impactful Ideas

Our vision is to create a business school which contributes towards building sustainable institutions and effective governance structures for businesses, government, and civil society. Men and women in every walk of life have a lot to learn from business schools, and business professionals & scholars have a lot to learn from every other discipline of intellectual pursuit. We dream of creating a platform which enables students, professionals, leaders, entrepreneurs, and activists come together, and create, exchange & disseminate knowledge.