Associate Professor
Cognitive radios, MIMO system, Channel coding, RFID Antenna Design, Optimization techniques
Email: Biography
Dr. Surbhi Sharma is Associate Professor of Electronics and Communication Engineering. She has long been associated with the research in the area of Electronics and Communication. Her current interests are in Wireless Communication, Cognitive Radios, Metaheuristic Optimization Techniques and RFID Antennas. She has guided a number of research students in which useful algorithms for wireless communication have been developed and implemented. These include Spectrum Sensing, Spectrum Sharing, LDPC coded Co-operative communication, SDR system etc. Presently her research work is focused on design and development of antennas for RFID tags. She has guided 4 PhD and 24 ME/MTech thesis. Dr Surbhi Sharma is widely published over 50 publications. He has completed projects worth 32 lakhs, established industry sponsored “Advance communication lab worth 25 lakh”. She has been selected in the top 20 candidates for UK Visit under AICTE sponsored UKIERI Technical leadership program.
- Ph.D. in Electronics and Communication Engineering specialization in “MIMO system and channel coding”
- M. Tech in ICE(SLIET Longowal)
- B.Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering
- Total Teaching Experience 13 years Teaching interests:
- Mobile and Wireless communication
- Digital communication
- Analog Communication
- Space Time Wireless Communication
- Machine Learning
Projects completed/ Industrial Collaborations
- FPGA implementation of Concatenation of LDPC and Space time codes for MIMO system(2009-12) In this project the performance of concatenated LDPC and Space time block codes for MIMO system in multipath fading environment was evaluated in terms of parameters like BER, BLER etc. Finally the project was implemented using FPGA based MIMO wireless kit
Project Cost: 10.54 Lakhs
Sponsoring Agency: UGC
Co-PI: Dr Rajesh Khanna
- Implementation of Concatenated channel codes and space time codes on SDR based system(2009-12) In this project the performance of Channel codes and Space time block codes for MIMO system in multipath fading environment was evaluated. Finally the project was implemented using Software Defined Radio system Project Cost: 10.00 Lakhs Sponsoring Agency: AICTE
Co-PI: Dr Rajesh Khanna
- Modernisation of Communication Lab(2014-15)
In this project various kits for digital communication labs were purchased.
Project Cost: 10.00 Lakhs
Sponsoring Agency: AICTE
Co-PI: Dr Rajesh Khanna
- Videocon sponsored Advance communication Lab (2015-19)
In this project, A live GSM based Lab were settled up for the BE students
Project Cost: 25.00 Lakhs
Sponsoring Agency: Quadrent Telecommunication
Co-PI: Dr Rajesh Khanna
- Investigations on Passive RFID tag antenna for UHF band applications (2019-21)
In this project, A low cost RFID tags will be developed for the hazardous and disasters buildings
Project Cost: 25.00 Lakhs
Sponsoring Agency: DST
PI –Aarti bansal (Phd. Research scholar)
Supervisor Guide: Dr. Surbhi Sharma, Dr Rajesh Khanna Membership of Professional Institutions
- Associate Memeber, IETE
- Member ISTE
- Member Punjab Academy of Sciences
PhD Thesis Guided
Supreet Singh(2017) Performance Evaluation of Spectrum Sensing and RF Energy Harvesting for Cognitive Radios based on SDR .
- Kavita Vij bindra(2018) Performance Evaluation and Analysis of Power Limited Cognitive Radios .
- Varsha Vimal(2019) Performance Evaluation of Asynchronous Distributed Space Time Block Coded System for Cooperative Communication
- Avneet Kaur (Thesis Submitted) Metaheuristic based parameter adaption in cognitive radios. .
Publications SCI Publications
- Surbhi Sharma, Dr. Rajesh Khanna(2009), Analysis of LDPC with optimum combining, International journal of Electronics, vol 96, no 8, august 2009, pp 803-811
- Surbhi Sharma, Dr. Rajesh Khanna(2011), LDPC concatenated space-time block coded system in multipath fading environment: Analysis and evaluation, Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 5 no 02, pp 204-214 .
- Surbhi Sharma, Dr. Rajesh Khanna(2015) Upper Bounds on Overloaded LDPC–Optimum Combined System Over Rayleigh Fading Channel, Wireless Personal Communication , vol 83, pp 1331-1339
- Kavita Bindra vij Surbhi Sharma, Dr. Rajesh Khanna (2016), Performance Analysis of Scheduled TAS Cognitive Radio system with Generalized Selection Combining, Wireless Personal Communication Vol. 91, No.2 .
- Kavita Bindra vij Surbhi Sharma, Dr. Rajesh Khanna (2017), Performance Analysis of Combined Space Time
Block Coding with Generalized Selection Combining in Underlay Cognitive Radio, Wireless Personal Communication, Volume 95, no.3, pp 2561–2573
- Kavita Bindra vij Surbhi Sharma, Dr. Rajesh Khanna (2017),. Performance Analysis of Optimum Combiner in
Power Limited Cognitive Radios with multiple Primary Interferers , ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA
- Supreet Singh, Surbhi Sharma (2017), Performance Optimization of RF Energy Harvesting Relay based Interweave/Underlay Cognitive Radio Network, International journal of electronics, Volume 104, Issue 9, pp 1546-1561
- Supreet Singh ,Surbhi Sharma (2017), A joint SMSE waveform design and blind cyclostationary based sensing for cognitive radios, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering., June 2017, Volume 41, Issue 2, pp 93–101 .
- Supreet Singh,(2017) Surbhi Sharma, Performance Analysis of Spectrum sensing Techniques over TWDP fading channels for CR based IoTs, AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications ,Volume 80, Pages
- Avneet kaur, Surbhi Sharma, Amit Mishra(2017), Sensing Period adaptation for multi-objective optimization in cognitive radio using Jaya Algorithm, IET Electronic letters, Volume: 53, Issue: 19, pp 1335 - 1336 .
- Avneet Kaur, Surbhi Sharma, Amit Mishra (2018), Nature inspired optimization algorithms assisted realization of green communication via Cognitive Radio:A comparison study, IET Communications, 12(19),2511 – 2520
- KavitaVij Bindra, Rajesh Khanna and Surbhi Sharma(2018), Performance Analysis of Optimum Combiner in Power Limited Cognitive Radios with multiple primary interferers, ElectronikairElectrotechnika, Vol. 24, No.1, 2018).
- Varsha Vimal Sood, Surbhi Sharma and Rajesh Khanna(2018), Performance Analysis of Joint Relay and
Transmit–Receive Antenna Selection for Low Density Parity Check-Asynchronous Distributed Space Time Block Coded Cooperative Diversity System, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 92, No. 1, PP 1883–1900
- Varsha Vimal Sood, Surbhi Sharma and Rajesh Khanna()2018), Pairwise Error Probability Analysis of Low Density Parity Check Coded Asynchronous Distributed Space Time Block Codes, Electronika ir Electrotechnika , Vol.24, No.6, 2018 .
- Bansal Aarti, Sharma S, Khanna R.(2019), Compact meandered RFID tag antenna with high read range for UHF band applications, Int J RF Microw Comput Aided Eng. e21695
- Avneet Kaur, Surbhi Sharma, Amit Mishra(2019), Performance Optimization of Cognitive Decision Engine for CR-Based IoTs Using Various Parameter-Less Meta-Heuristic Techniques, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, .
- Avneet Kaur, Surbhi Sharma, Amit Mishra(2019), Nature Inspired Optimization Algorithms Based Adaptation of Transmission Parameters in CR Based IoTs, Wireless Personal Communications
- Avneet Kaur, Surbhi Sharma, Amit Mishra (2019), A Novel Jaya-BAT Algorithm Based Power Consumption Minimization in Cognitive Radio Network Wireless Personal Communications, vol 108 no 2,pp 2059–2075 .
- Varsha Vimal Sood, Surbhi Sharma and Rajesh Khanna(2019) Analysis of Asynchronous Distributed Space Time Block Coded System Based on Optimal Relay Selection, Wireless Personal Communications .
- Avneet Kaur, Surbhi Sharma(2019), Performance Enhancement of Passive Optical Communication Link with Co-simulation Approach, Wireless Personal Communications, October 2019, Volume 108, Issue 4, pp 2631–2638
Papers in Non SCI journals
- Surbhi Sharma and Dr. Rajesh Khanna(2008-2009), “Simulation studies of antenna selection with space time block codes” , Journal of Punjab academy of sciences, vol 5, no 3-4, Punjab science congress
- Surbhi Sharma and Dr. Rajesh Khanna(2009),” Performance evaluation of LDPC codes in various fading channels”, Journal of Cooperation among University, Research and Industrial Enterprises, vol 2 no 1 , pp15-23. Simranjit Singh, Surbhi Sharma and Dr. Rajesh Khanna(2009), “Performance of Uncoded and LDPC
Coded MSK and GMSK in Nakagami Fading”, International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, vol 2 no 6, pp 43-49
- Surbhi Sharma and Dr. Rajesh Khanna(2010), “BER evaluation of LDPC codes with in Nakagami fading channel”, ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology, vol 1 no 2 , pp 56-59
- Aashu Taneja, Surbhi Sharma(2011), “Real time channel estimation for SISO OFDM system on test bed”, International journal of applied engineering and research, vol 6, no 5, pp 595-598
- shreya kaushal , Surbhi Sharma(2013), “A 2x2 FPGA based WRAP Tested for Colored Image Transmission in MIMO Systems”, International Journal of Science and Modern Engineering, vol 1, no 6, pp 66-70
- Ashish Sharma, Surbhi Sharma(2014), “Comparison of denoising techniques for underwater acoustic sign”, international Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering vol 3,issue 5, may 2014,pp 6733-6737
- Subhashini Dhiman, Surbhi Sharma (2014), “Performance evaluation of time-reversal STBC in nakagamim fading channel”, International journal of engineering research and general science vol 2,no 4, pp261-265
- Palvinder singh Surbhi Sharma(2014), “Analysis of MRC and OC with OFDM in terms of ber using BPSK modulation techniques over Rayleigh channel”, International journal of advance research in electrical, electronics and instrumentation engineering,vol 3 ,no. 6, pp- 10348-10352
- Garima *, Aarti Bansal , Surbhi Sharma (2017), “Matlab CST interfacing for a microstrip patch antenna”, Indian journal of science and technology, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 10(44), pp 1-5
- Sood V.V., Sharma S., Khanna R. (2019) Performance Evaluation of Cognitive Internet of Things in Asynchronous Distributed Space-Time Block Codes over Two-Wave Diffuse Power Fading Channel.
Engineering Vibration, Communication and Information Processing. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 478. Springer, Singapore
- Navneet Kaur, Surbhi Sharma, and Jaswinder kaur (2019), “Concave Shape Microstrip Patch Antenna using SRR for 5G Applications”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue-9S, July 20
Papers in International Conferences (those held outside India)
- Surbhi Sharma, Dr. Rajesh Khanna (2008), “Spatial diversity with LDPC codes”, IEEE Globecom, New Orleans LA , USA
- Neha Sharma, Surbhi Sharma (2017), “Performance Analysis of Cooperative Cognitive Radio Network with Optimum Combining”, ICSELM 2017, Mauritius
- kanika Ralhan, Surbhi Sharma (2017), “On the performance of the scheduling scheme for MU-MIMO BC system with two-stage feedback”, MICTAS, Toronto , Canada
- Bansal A, Sharma S, Khanna R (2019), “A Spiral Shaped Loop Fed Inductively Coupled high Read Range Compact Tag Antenna for UHF RFID Applications” IEEE-RFID TA-2019, Pisa, Italy.
Papers in Indian Conferences
- Surbhi Sharma, Dr. Rajesh Khanna (2008), “Reconfigurable Reed Solomon Codec design using FPGA”, 11th Punjab Science congress, TIET Patiala
- Surbhi Sharma, Dr. Rajesh Khanna (2008), “Concatenation of Space-time codes and channel codes: A review”, 11th Punjab Science congress, TIET Patiala
- Sandeep Srivastva Surbhi Sharma(2010), “FPGA Implementation Techniques of LDPC Decoder: A Review”, NCCN-10, SLIET Longowal
- Lokesh Bhardwaj Surbhi Sharma (2010), “Highly Convergent and Optimized LDPC Decoding by
Combining Semi serial- C Schedule and OSD-BP Algorithm “ NCCN-10, SLIET Longowal
- Surbhi Sharma, Dr. Rajesh Khanna (2010), “Performance evaluation of channel codes with GMSK in fading channel”, 13th Punjab Science Congress, PU Chandigarh
- Sudhanshu Mehta, Surbhi Sharma, Dr. Rajesh Khanna (2011), “SMT-8036 based SDR for adaptive Modulation technique”, International conference on advances in electronics and electrical eng, MIT , Moradabad Shreya kaushal, Surbhi Sharma (2013), “Coloured image transmission through MIMO using 4 X 4 almouti scheme for Rayleigh fading channel over Xilinx vertex -4 FPGA, International conference on electronics , communication and information technology, Thapar university, Patiala
- Arvinder kalsi, Surbhi Sharma (2013), “SMT 8036 based implementation of BPSK modulation with LDPC coding” International conference on electronics , communication and information technology, Thapar university, Patiala
- Ashmeet Kaur, Avneet Kaur and Surbhi Sharma (2018), “PSO based Multiobjective Optimization for parameter adaptation in CR based IoTs, International Conference on Computational Intelligence andCommunication Technology, Ghaziabad, 2018, pp. 1-7
- Avneet Kaur, Ashmeet Kaur, Surbhi Sharma(2018), “Cognitive decision engine design for CR based IoTs using Diffrential Evolution (DE) and Bat Algorithm”, 5th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN), 2018. Noida, Pp130-135
- Bansal Aarti, Sethi Garima, Sharma Surbhi (2018), “PSO optimized nested slot structure RFID tag Antenna at 5.8 GHz for metallic applications.” 2nd International Conference on Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering , Ghaziabad.