Assistant Professor
Multimedia Processing
Email: Contact no.: 9319588365
Shivendra Shivani is currently working in Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala as Asst. Professor. He has received his B.E. degree, in computer science and engineering from CSVTU in 2009, after that he has completed master degree from National Institute of Technology Allahabad, India in Information security in 2011. He has received Ph.D. degree from National Institute of Technology Allahabad, India with Visual Cryptography as an area of interest. His current research interest includes Digital watermarking, Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Algorithms, Compression, Biometrics, Visual Cryptography and Face recognition.
Membership of Professional Institutions, Associations, Societies
- IEEE Student Membership
- MemberCRSI Life Time Membership
Publications and other Research Outputs
- Shivendra Shivani, Suneeta Agarwal “Progressive Visual Cryptography with Unexpanded Meaningful Shares”, In ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communication and Application, Vol 12(4). (SCI)
- Shivendra Shivani, Suneeta Agarwal “Novel Basis Matrix Creation and Preprocessing Algorithms for Friendly Progressive Visual Secret Sharing with Space-Efficient Shares”, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS Springer, Vol 75, No. 7. DOI 10.1007/s11042-016-3484-1 (SCI)
- Shivendra Shivani “VMVC: Verifiable Multitone Visual Cryptography”, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS Springer, DOI 10.1007/s11042-017-4422-6 (SCI)
- Shivendra Shivani, Suneeta Agarwal “VPVC: Verifiable Progressive Visual Cryptography”, Pattern Analysis and Application, Springer, Vol 19, No. 3. DOI 10.1007/s10044-016-0571-x (SCI)
- Shivendra Shivani, Suneeta Agarwal “XOR based Continuous tone Multi Secret Sharing Scheme for Store and Forward Telemedicine”, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS Springer,. DOI DOI 10.1007/s11042-016-4012-z (SCI)
- Shivendra Shivani, “Multi Secret Sharing with Unexpanded Meaningful Shares, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS Springer, Accepted(SCI)
- Rajitha B, Shivendra Shivani, Suneeta Agarwal “Self authenticating medical X-ray images for telemedicine applications, DOI: 10.1007/s11042-017-4738-2 MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS Springer, Accepted(SCI)
- Durgesh Singh, Shivendra Shivani, Suneta Agarwal. Quantization based Fragile Watermarking using Block wise Authentication and Pixel wise Recovery scheme for Tampered Image. In International Journal of Image and graphics, world scientific Vol 13(2), 2013 (ESCI).
- Shivendra Shivani, Anoop Patel, Sushila Kamble, Suneeta Agarwal “Image Authentication and Recovery using Block wise Fragile Watermarking based on K-medoids Clustering Approach”, International Journal of Computer Applications,Vol-15 , Issue 1, Page 44-52, ISBN:978-93-80747-77-5.
- Durgesh Singh, Surendra K Raut, Shivendra Shivani, Suneeta Agarwal , “Hybrid Approach for Image Protected Shares. Based on Visual Cryptography and Fragile Watermarking Scheme.” International Journal of Information and Computation Technology. ISSN 0974 -2239 Volume 3, Number 9(2013), pp. 893-900.
- Prateek Kumar, Suneeta Agarwal and Shivendra Shivani ” Halftone Visual Cryptography with Pixel Expansion through Error Diffusion” International Journal of Information & Computation Technology. ISSN 0974-2239 Volume 4, Number 14 (2014), pp. 1419-1427.
- Mamta Baghel, Rashmi Bhardwaj and Shivendra Shivani. “Authenticating Images using Blind Fragile Watermarking Scheme based on LSB Technique”. International Journal of Computer Applications 62(18):15-19, January 2013. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA.
International Conferences
- Shivendra Shivani, Anoop Patel, Sushila Kamble, Suneeta Agarwal “An Efficient Pixel wise Fragile Watermarking Scheme based on ARA bits”, in Proceeding of International Conference on Communication, Computing and Security (ICCCS), Rourkela,12-14 February 2011,Page 221-226, ACM, ISBN: 978-1-4503-0464-1.
- Shivendra Shivani, Anoop Patel, Akhilendra Pratap Singh, Suneeta Agarwal,” Self Recoverable Block wise Fragile Watermarking Scheme based on Histogram Segmentation”, in Proceeding of International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends and Technology (ICWET),24-26 February 2011,Page 658-662,ACM, ISBN:978-1-4503-0449-8.
- Shivendra Shivani, Durgesh Singh, Suneeta Agarwal,” DCT Based Approach for Tampered Image Detection and Recovery using Block Wise Fragile Watermarking Scheme” in International Conference on 6th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Portugal (IbPRIA 2013), pp-640- 647,Vol 7887, Springer LNCS.
- Durgesh Singh, Shivendra Shivani, Suneeta Agarwal,” Self-embedding Pixel wise Fragile Watermarking Scheme for Image Authentication” in International Conference on Intelligent Interactive Technologies and Multimedia, Allahabad(IITM 2013) Vol- 276,pages 111-122, Springer CCIS. ISBN: 978-3-642- 37463-0.
- Shivendra Shivani, Suneeta Agarwal” Speech Secret Sharing” International Conference on Innovative Research in “Civil, Computer Science, Information Technology, Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics Engineering” (CIME–2016) , held in JNU.
- Shivendra Shivani, Priyanka Singh and Suneeta Agarwal, “A Dual Watermarking Scheme for Ownership Verification and Pixel Level Authentication”, 9th International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering(ICCAE-2017), Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, Feb 18-21,2017.
Book Chapter
- Shivendra Shivani, “Home Appliance Control Using Automatic Speech Recognition based on Adaptive Frequency Selection”, 4th CSI National Conference on Education & Research Organized by Computer Society of India held at SIET Allahabad.(Presented)
- Priyanka Singh, Shivendra Shivani and Suneeta Agarwal “A Chaotic Map Based DCT-SVD Watermarking Scheme For Rightful Ownership Verification” Student Conference of Electrical Engineering (SCEE-2014), MNNIT 978-1-4799-4939-7/14, IEEE.
- GATE (C.S.) 2009 qualified with 97.2 percentile.
- NET Dec 2014 qualified.
- WIPO (world Intellectual property Organization) Geneva certification in “General course on Intellectual property" with 86 percent.
- 8th rank in all over India Robotics competition organized by IIT Kharagpur
Description of Research Interests
- Digital Image Processing
- Computer Graphics
- Graph Theory
- Computer Network
- Operating System
- Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
- Automata
- Multimedia