Financial Markets
Email: Subjects Taught
Engineering Economics, Total Quality Management, Organization Behaviour, Human Values, IPR and Human Rights, Economic Analysis and Value Engineering and Humanities for Engineers.
Research Projects
Membership of Professional Institutions, Associations, Societies
Publications and other Research Outputs
- Chhabra, S., Kiran, R., Sah, A. N., Sharma, V. (2017). Information and Performance Optimization: A study of Indian IPOs during 2005-2012, Program, 51 (4), 458-471.
- Chhabra, S., Kiran, R., Sah, A. N. (2017). Information asymmetry leads to Underpricing: Validation through SEM for Indian IPOs, Program, 51 (2), 116-131.
- Chhabra, S., Kiran (2017). Role of Civil Societies for Good Governance: Perspectives and Pragmatics, International Journal of Liberal Arts, Social Sciences and Education, 1(1), 1-5.
- Chhabra, S., Kiran (2015). An Empirical Analysis of Total Factor Productivity in Food and Beverage Sector, Productivity, 56(2), 121-126.
- Chhabra, S., Kiran (2012). An Analysis of Some Key Segments of Food and Beverage Sector of India, Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 10(14), 113-118.
Description of Research Interests
PhD in the area of IPO. Have worked on Technology Adoption and Management Strategies for Women Entrepreneurs in Food and Beverage Sector. Have written few book chapters in the area of Finance (Role of FDI in Indian Economy, Contribution of Financial Sector in Indian Economy, Short Run Performance of IPOs, A Study of Synchronized functioning of Indian Primary and Secondary Market).