Assistant Professor
Cellular Automata,Cryptography, Data mining
Email: Contact No.
- Ph.D. (Computer Science) in the field of Peer to Peer Computing from Banasthali Vidyapeeth, Rajasthan, 2011.
- MCA.- KGMV, Gurukul Kangri, Hardwar-1999-First Division
- B.Sc. (Hons)- Women’s college, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-1996-First Division
- XII – Hindu Inter College. U.P.Board.1992-First Division (73%)
- X – DVK Inter College. U.P. Board.1990 –First Division (Hons.-78.2%).
Area of interest:
Cellular Automata . Cryptography and Data Mining.
Work Experience:
14 years of teaching experience of graduate and postgraduate classes.
- Worked in JVMGRR , Charkhi Dadri, Haryana (1999-2000).
- Worked in MIT, Moradabad (2000-2004).
- Worked in AKGEC, Ghaziabad (2004-2005).
- Worked in KIET, Ghaziabad since (2005-2011).
- Worked in AKGEC, Ghaziabad (2011-2013).
Academic Assignments
- Class Mentor.
- Member- Discipline and Anti-Ragging Committee.
- Project Guide.
- Departmental Seminar Coordinator.
- Departmental Research Activity Coordinator.
Departmental Research Activity Coordinator.
Publications in the International Journals
- Rupali Bhardwaj, V.S.Dixit, Anil Upadhyay , “An Overview on P2P Simulators”, International Journal of Computer and Applications (2010), ISSN 0975-8887, Vol. 1,No.19, PP 71-74.
- Rupali Bhardwaj, V.S.Dixit, Anil Upadhyay, "AMethod for Generating Communication Sets (2011)", Computer Science Journal of Moldova, ISSN 1561-4042,Vol.19, no.3 (57), ,pp 288-303.
- Rupali Bhardwaj, V. S. Dixit, Anil Upadhyay , “Load Balancing in P2P System using Fuzzy Clustering (2012)”, Journal of Information and Computing Science, ISSN 1746-7659,Vol. 7, No. 1, pp 019-024.
- Rupali Bhardwaj, V.S.Dixit, Anil Upadhyay, "Load Balancing in Peer to Peer System using Fuzzy c-Means Clustering (2013)”,International Journal of Fuzzy System and Applications, ISSN 2156-177X .
Publications in the National Journals
- “Dynamic Partitioning Algorithm for Load Balancing in P2P system (2007)”, Journal of Mathematical Science, Banaras Hindu University.
Publications in the International Conferences
- " Survey on P2P Systems (2006) ", proceeding of the ICQRIT- 3rd Annual International Conference on Quality ,Reliability and Infocom Technology, organized by Delhi University, Delhi.
- " Dynamic vs. Static Partitioning Algorithm (2007),” proceeding of the 5th Annual International Conference on Information Science, Tecnology and Management, organized by Virginia Commonwealth University (USA), Osmania University, Hyderabad, CISTM-2007,ISBN 978-1-90414-39-0, PP 69-76.
- " A Propound Method for Load Balancing in P2P System (2009)”, proceeding of International conference on Intelligent Agent & Multi-Agent Systems , organized by Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technolgy, Vinayaka Missions University, Chennai, 22-24 July, 2009, 978-1-4244-4711-4 /2009 IEEE
Workshop Attended
- Attended 3 days National workshop on “Embedded Systems” organized by Department of Apaji Institute of Mathematics & Applied Computer Technology at Banasthali Vidyapeeth, Rajasthan on March 15-19,2007.
- Attended 7 days National workshop on “Computational Science” organized by Department of Physics, Swami Shradhanand College, Delhi University on July 1-7,2010.
Academic Activities/Honors/Awards
- Member of Editorial Board, International Journal of Computer Applications, India.
- Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Computing, USA.
- Member, Advisory Board, IAENG International Journal of Computer Science.
- Member, International Association of Engineers, IAENG (110424)
- Member of Computer Science Teachers Association, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), USA , (3059422)
- Life Member, Computer Society of India, CSI (01116629).
- Member, International Association of CS & IT (80340029)
- Served as a Program Committee member for the 1st & 2nd National Conference on CS & IT, 2007, 2008.
- National Scholarship awarded by UP Board 1990-1992
- GATE score (2002)
Personal Details authentication
DOB : 26 June 1977
Husband's Name : Dr. Anil Kr. Upadhyay
Marital Status : Married
Nationality : Indian
Permanent Address : Dr. Rupali Bhardwaj FRB-603 Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala