Assistant Professor
Wireless Network/Vehicular Adhoc Networks
Email: Biography
Dr. Poonam Verma is working with ECE Department, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala since 2019. She has completed her PhD degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering with topic “An Efficient Congestion Control Algorithm for CAM Broadcast over Control Channel in Vehicular Adhoc NETworks (VANETs)” from Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida in June 2018. Her research interests include Wireless and Mobile Networks.
- Ph.D. (Gautam Buddha University (GBU), Greater Noida) in Electronics & Communication Engineering, specialisation in Vehicular Adhoc Network (VANETs)
- M. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering, DCRUST, Murthal First class with Honours (8.37 CGPA)
- B.Tech. in Electronics & Communication Engineering / M.D.U Rohtak / First class with Honours (76.5%)
- Diploma in Electronics & Communication Engineering / SBTE Haryana / First class with Honours (78.6%)
Experience: Total Teaching Experience 1 year 11 months
- January 2013 – June 2013: Research Assistant, Electronics & Communication Department, DCRUST, Murthal.
- January 2014 – December 2014: Research Assosiate, School of ICT, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida.
- August 2017 – December 2017: Senior Research Fellow, School of ICT, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida.
- July 2019 – Till Date: Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication, Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala.
Research Interest:
- Vehicular Adhoc Networks
- MAC Layer Performance Analysis of Wireless Networks
- Congestion Control in Wireless Communication
- Analytical Modeling in Wireless Adhoc Networks
- Poonam Verma and Neeta Singh. " Modelling a vehicle-ID Based IEEE 802.11OCB MAC Scheme for periodic broadcast in vehicular Networks. " IET Communications 12.19 (2018): 2401-2407. [SCI Impact Factor 1.779]
- Poonam Verma, Neeta Singh and Mohit Sharma. " Modeling and Performance Analysis of VI-CRA: A Congestion Control Algorithm for vehicular network. " Wiley International Journal of Communication Systems 31.14 (2018) e3736. [SCI Impact Factor 1.278]
- Poonam Verma and Neeta Singh. " Fuzzy Assisted Vehicle ID based Congestion Control Scheme (FUZZ-CCS) for CAM broadcast over Control Channel in VANETs. " Journal of High Speed Networks 25.2 (2019): 139-153. [ESCI Impact Factor 0.16]
- Poonam Verma and Neeta Singh. " Performance Evaluation and Validation of Session-Expiration Scheduling (SES) Technique for queued CAMs in Vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANETs). " International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems (IJVICS) 3.2 (2017): 98-114. [Inderscience-Scopus]
- Poonam Verma and Neeta Singh. " Dynamic Contention Window based Safety-Application Model for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks. " Procedia Computer Science 132 (2018): 421-428. [Elsevier-Scopus IF 0.732]
- Poonam Verma and Neeta Singh. " An Analytical Review of the Algorithms Controlling Congestion in Vehicular Networks. " IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) 17.3 (2015): 32-41.
- A. Ali, Neeta Singh and Poonam Verma. " M/M/1/n+Flush/n Model to Enhance the QoS for Cluster Heads in MANETs. " International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) 9.5 (2018): 249-254. [E-SCI & WoS IF 1.324]
International Conferences
- Poonam Verma and Neeta Singh. " Non-Repetitive Single-Hop Broadcast Model for CAM in IEEE 802.11p VANETs." Proceedings of IEEE Ninth International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3), pp. 1-5, 2016. [Scopus and DBLP indexed]
- Poonam Verma and Neeta Singh. " Managing Queue Service Pattern for CAM Broadcast in Vehicular Adhoc Network." Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Advances in Information Communication Technology and Computing, pp. 80, 2016.
- Poonam Verma and Neeta Singh. " A Stochastic Model for Queueing CAMs in Vehicular Adhoc Networks: Simulation and Performance Analysis." CRC Press of International Conference on Communication and Computing Systems, pp. 431-435, 2016. [Taylor and Francis]
- Poonam Verma and Neeta Singh. " Performance Evaluating Metrics for CAM Collision over Control Channel in VANETs." Proceedings of Elsevier International Conference of Emerging Trends in (ICEMS), 2016.
- Poonam Verma and Neeta Singh. " Statistical behaviour analyses of CAM queue model in Vehicular Adhoc Networks." Proceedings of IEEE 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering and Computational Sciences (RAECS), pp. 1-5, 2015.
National Conferences
- Poonam Verma and P. K. Dahiya. “ Approach to control congestion in VANETs; Presented in TEQIP sponsored National Conference on Contemporary techniques and technologies in Electronic Engineering, March 13-14, 2013 organised by DCRUST, Muthal.
Achievement, Awards and Recognitions
- Promoted to Senior Research Fellow under UGC National Fellowship for PhD Candidates in 2017
- Qualified UGC-NET (for Assistant Professor) in June 2013 and June 2015
- Won 1st prize at various Technical Fests in B.Tech and
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