Contact no.: 8824955448
Dr. Manju was born in Hansi, India in 1987. She received her B.E. degree in Computer Science in 2008 from MDU, Rohtak. She did her M.Tech. Degree in 2010 from Banasthali Vidyapeeth, Rajasthan in the branch Computer Science. Thereafter she worked with BRCM College of Engineering and Technology Bahal, Bhiwani (Haryana) as an Assistant Professor till June 28, 2012. On July 2, 2012 she joined College of Engineering and Technology, Mody University of Science and Technology, Lakshmangarh (Rajasthan) as an Assistant Professor in Computer Science Department and got her Ph.D. in Engineering from there itself in 2016. On July 15, 2017 she joined Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala (Punjab) as an Assistant Professor. Manju has authored several research Papers in reputed international/national journals and conference/seminar proceedings and supervised M.Tech. dissertations. Her research interest include Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks.
SCI : 4, Non-SCI : 9
Publications in Journals:
Palak Agnihotri, Manju, “Improving the Stable Period of LEACH Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network Using Dynamic Stable Election Protocol," International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 6, Issue 4, Pages 1889-1893, April 2017, impact factor=6.391.
Aayushi Chaudhary, Manju, “A Study on Wireless Sensor Network and Routing Strategies," International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 6, Issue 4, Pages 1884-1888, April 2017, impact factor=6.391.
Manju Khurana, Ranjana Thalore, Vikas Raina, Manish Kumar Jha, "Improved Time Synchronization in ML-MAC for WSN Using Relay Nodes," International Journal of Electronics and Communication (AEÜ), Elsevier Publication, Volume 69, Issue 11, Pages 1622-1626, November 2015, impact factor=0.786.
Yashpal Tada, Manju, Vikram Singh," A survey on Energy Efficient Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network," International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), Volume 2, Issue 6, Pages 261-266, June 2014, ISSN: 2321-9653, impact factor=0.287.
Manju Khurana, M. K. Jha," Network Lifetime Evaluation for Grid ML-MAC Protocol," International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, Volume 3, Issue 1, Pages 59-65, July 2013, impact factor=0.2560.
Ranjana Thalore, Jyoti Sharma, Manju Khurana, Manish Kumar Jha," QoS evaluation of energy-efficient ML-MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks," International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Elsevier Publication, Volume 67, Issue 12, Pages 1048“1053, December 2013, impact factor=0.551.
Neha Mehndiratta, Harish Bedi, Manju," Clustering Vs Multi-Clustering," IJAEST- International Journal of Advanced Engineering Sciences And Technologies, Volume 13, Issue 1, June 2013, ISSN: 2230-7818, impact Factor=5.29.
Manju Khurana, Jyoti, Ranjana Thalore, M. K. Jha," Direction Determination in Wireless Sensor Networks using Grid Topology," Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence (JETWI), Volume 5, Issue 2, Pages 166-170, May 2013, impact factor=1.24.
Neha Mehndiratta, Manju, Harish Bedi," Energy Efficient Homogeneous Vs Heterogeneous LEACH," IJITEE- International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Volume 2, Issue 5, April 2013, ISSN: 2278-3075, impact factor=1.0.
Neha Mehndiratta, Manju, Harish Bedi," Design Issues for Routing Protocols in WSNs Based on Classification," IJAIEM- International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management, Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2013, ISSN 2319 - 4847, impact factor=2.379.
Neha Mehndiratta, Manju, Harish Bedi," Wireless Sensor Network LEACH Protocol: A Survey," IJERMT- International Journal of Emerging Research in Management & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2013, ISSN: 2278-9359.
Manju, Ranjana Thalore, Jyoti, M. K. Jha,“ Performance Evaluation of Bellman-Ford, AODV, DSR and DYMO Protocols using QualNet in 1000m×1000m Terrain Area,” IJSCE “ International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering, Volume 2, Issue 6, January 2013, ISSN:2231-2307, impact factor=1.0.
Jyoti, Ranjana Thalore, Manju, M. K. Jha,“ QoS Analysis of Different Routing Protocols in Multi-clustering using QualNet,” IJERT “ International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, Volume 1, Issue 9, November - 2012, ISSN: 2278- 0181.
Publications in International Conferences:
Radhika Maheshwari, Manju and Thoudam Paraskumar Singh,” Security and Privacy in Smart Grid,” International Conference on Recent Trends in Renewable Energy and Smart Grid (ICRRESG-2017), Pages 219-225, February 24-25, 2017.
Ranjana Thalore, Manju Khurana, M. K. Jha, “Performance Comparison of 2D and 3D Zigbee Wireless Sensor Networks,” Springer International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development (ICT4SD-2015),Pages 215-222, July 3-4, 2015.
Manju Khurana, Ranjana Thalore, Vikas Raina, M. K. Jha," Energy Modelling of ML-MAC Wireless Sensor Network Protocol," ACM International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS-14), November 14-16, 2014.
Ranjana Thalore, Manju Khurana, M. K. Jha, “Optimized ML-MAC for Energy-Efficient Wireless Sensor Network Protocol,” IEEE International Conference on The Next Generation Information Technology Summit (CONFLUENCE-14), Pages396 - 400, September 25-26, 2014.
Akanksha Agrawal, Kavita Kumari, Varttika Gautam, Manju, Ranjana Thalore, M. K. Jha ," Effects of Drift in Time Synchronization in Nodes on Performance of WSN," International Conference on Advances in Electronic and Electrical Engineering (AIEEE-13), September 7-9, 2013.
Jyoti, Ranjana Thalore, Manju, Urvashi Singh, M. K. Jha, “Review on Recent Energy Efficient Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks,” International Conference on Telecommunication and Networks (TELNET-13), February 27-28, 2013.
Ranjana Thalore, Jyoti, Manju, M. K. Jha, “Comparison of S-MAC Protocol with Other Energy Efficient Protocols,” International Conference on Technical and Executive Innovation in Computing and Communication (TEICC-12), December 27-28, 2012.
Jyoti, Ranjana Thalore, Manju, M. K. Jha, “Duty Cycle Based Energy Efficient MAC Protocols: A Study for Wireless Sensor Network,” International Conference on Technical and Executive Innovation in Computing and Communication (TEICC-12), December 27-28, 2012.
Manju, Kamal, Rohit Bajaj, “Tool for Automation in Design of Electron Gun and PPM Focusing using Visual C++,” IEEE International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC-12), December 6-8, 2012.
Manju, Sarla, Rekha Kumari, Rajendra, “General Discussion on Architecture of Pervasive Computing,” International Conference on Sports Biomechanics & Emerging Technologies, March 17-18, 2012.
Rekha Kumari, Manju, Kamal, “Delay “Tolerant Network Routing Approaches: A Survey,” International Conference on International Conference on Sports Biomechanics & Emerging Technologies, March 17-18, 2012.
Manju, Kamal, Rajender Singh, “Adhoc Network Routing Protocols an Overview,” International Conference on VLSI Communication and Networks (VCAN-11), December 24-25, 2011.
Kamal, Manju, Lokesh Pawar, “Opportunistic Network Environment an Overview,” International Conference on VLSI Communication and Networks (VCAN-11), December 24-25, 2011.
Manju, Kamal, Rajender Singh, “Tool for Automation in Design of Electron Gun and PPM Focusing using EGUN Software,” International Conference on Global Trends in Technology: Impact on Industry and Society (IGTT-11), October 15-16, 2011.
Kamal, Manju, Rajender Singh, “Hierarchical Location Service,” International Conference on Global Trends in Technology: Impact on Industry and Society (IGTT-11), October 15-16, 2011.
Publications in National Conferences:
Manju Khurana, Manish Kumar Jha,” Analysis of Planarization in Wireless sensor Networks in IEEE 802.11,” IEEE National Conference on Computing and Informatics (NCCI-15), Mody University of Science and Technology, Lakshmangarh, December 2-3, 2015.
Pooja Chowdhary, Manju Khurana, Manish Kumar Jha,” Noise factor improved Temperature Compensated Time Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Network,” IEEE National Conference on Computing and Informatics (NCCI-15), Mody University of Science and Technology, Lakshmangarh, December 2-3, 2015.
Yashpal Tada, Manju, Vikram Singh," Variations in rounds keeping same density in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous LEACH," National Conference on Innovative Trends in Computer Science Engineering (ITCSE-15), BRCM College of Engineering & Technology, Bahal, 4 April, 2015.
Yashpal Tada, Manju, Vikram Singh," Effects of keeping the same density in Heterogeneous and Homogeneous LEACH," National Conference on Innovative Trends in Computer Science Engineering (ITCSE-15), BRCM College of Engineering & Technology, Bahal, 4 April, 2015.
Kavita Kumari, Manju, Ranjana Thalore, Vikas Raina, M. K. Jha, " Enhancement of lifetime using relay nodes in wireless sensor networks," National Conference on Future Trends in Communication and Computation Techniques (NCCT-13), SelaQui Academy of Higher Education, Dehradun, 22 November, 2013.
Varttika Gautam, Manju, Ranjana Thalore, Vikas Raina, M. K. Jha, "Effects of Drifts on Synchronized and Unsynchronized Wireless Sensor Network," National Conference on Future Trends in Communication and Computation Techniques (NCCT-13), SelaQui Academy of Higher Education, Dehradun, 22 November, 2013.
Manju, Kamal Dhanda, Harish Bedi, Rajender, “Design of Compiler for Mobile Environment: An Overview,” National Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Network Security (KDNS-11), OM Institute of Technology & Management, Hisar, February 26 “ 27, 2011.
Kamal Dhanda, Manju, Pallavi, Rajender, “Data Mining and Pattern Analysisin Web Usages Mining,” National Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Network Security (KDNS-11), OM Institute of Technology & Management, Hisar, February 26 “ 27, 2011.
Manju, Kamal Dhanda, Harish Bedi, “Real-Time Scheduling Method: An Overview,” National Conference on Emerging Trends (NCETEC-10), BRCM College of Engineering & Technology, December 24 “ 25, 2010.
Kamal Dhanda, Manju, Harish Bedi, “Predictive-Hierarchical Location Service for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” National Conference on Emerging Trends (NCETEC-10), BRCM College of Engineering & Technology, December 24 “ 25, 2010.
Dr. Manju research interest is in Wireless Sensor Networks. She completed her Ph.D. as a Research Scholar for a project sponsored by ISRO and developed an energy-efficient network protocol for a densely deployed wireless sensor network which enhances both network life and its performance. The protocol seems to be useful for military applications and space.