Professor and Associate Head, Dean of Student Affair
Cloud Computing, Big Data and IoT; Software Engineering and Software Project Management.
Email: Contact No.
Dr. Inderveer Chana is Ph.D. in Computer Science with specialization in Grid Computing and M.E. in Software Engineering from Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala and B.E. in Computer Science and Engineering.
She is presently serving as Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department of Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala (India). Her research interests include Grid and Cloud computing and other areas of interest are Software Engineering and Software Project Management. She has more than 100 research publications in reputed Journals and Conferences including ACM Computing surveys, IEEE transactions on Cloud Computing, FGCS etc. Recently one of the her review paper has been nominated and selected for the ACM 21st annual Best of Computing Notable Books and Articles as one of the notable items published in computing for the year 2016. She also received 'Certificate of Merit' for presenting the paper “Cost based Resource Provisioning Policy for Grids” at The 2011 International Conference of Parallel and Distributed Computing held at Imperial College, London, U.K. from 6-8 July 2011
She is also the Reviewer of many Books and Journals and Program committee member of various Conferences of repute. Her current h-index is 19 and Google citations are 1234.
Under her supervision, seven Ph.D thesis have been awarded and five Ph.D. thesis are on-going in the area of Grid and Cloud Computing. She has also worked on major research projects in the area of Utility and Cloud Computing sponsored by Indian Govt. funding agencies like UGC, AICTE, CSIR, DST etc.
Research Projects
Sponsored Projects
- Utility Computing - "Energy aware resource Scheduling for Utility Computing" (Completed) sponsored by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).
- Duration: Two years (2012-14)
- Grant-in-aid sactioned: Rs. 6.50,000
- Cloud Computing - "Energy aware resource Scheduling for Cloud Computing" (Completed) sponsored by University Grants Commission (UGC).
- Duration: Three years (2012-15)
- Grant-in-aid sanctioned: Rs. 11,68,000
- Autonomic Cloud Computing - "Autonomic Resource Prediction and Scheduling for Cloud Based Scientific Applications" (Ongoing) sponsored by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).
- Duration: Three Years (2015-18)
- Grant-in-aid sanctioned: Rs. 6,90,000
Membership of Professional Institutions, Associations, Societies
- Member, Asian Council of Science Editors (ACSE), Dubai
- Professional Member, ACM and ACM-W
- Member, Editorial Board of International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, by Taylor and Francis Group
- Member, IAENG, International Association for Engineers
- Member, Centre of Excellence in Grid Computing at Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology
- Member of (Machine Intelligence Research) MIR Labs, a scientific network for innovation and research excellence
Publications and other Research Outputs:
SCI Papers
- Nidhi Jain Kansal, Inderveer Chana, "An Empirical Evaluation of Energy-aware Load Balancing Technique for Cloud Data Center" has been accepted for publication in Cluster Computing. [Impact Factor = 2.040]
- Sukhpal Singh, Rajkumar Buyya, Inderveer Chana, Maninder Singh and Ajith Abraham, “BULLET: Particle Swarm Optimization based Scheduling Technique for Provisioned Cloud Resources”, Journal of Network and Systems Management, [Springer], 2017 [Impact Factor = 1.59].
- Sukhpal Singh, Inderveer Chana, Maninder Singh and Rajkumar Buyya, “CHOPPER: An Intelligent QoS-aware Autonomic Resource Management Approach for Cloud Computing”, Cluster Computing, [Springer], 2017 [Impact Factor = 2.040].
- Sukhpal Singh, Inderveer Chana and Rajkumar Buyya, “IoT based Agriculture as a Cloud and Big Data Service: The Beginning of Digital India”, Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC), [IGI Global], vol. 29, no. 4, 2017 [Impact Factor = 0.759].
- Sukhpal Singh, Inderveer Chana, Maninder Singh, The Journey of QoS-Aware Autonomic Cloud Computing, IT Professional, IEEE Magazine Volume19, Issue 2,Pages 42-49, 2017[IF-1.661]
- Neeraj Kumar Rathore and Inderveer Chana, “Job Migration Policies for Grid Environment”, Wireless Personal Communication, Springer Publication, , vol. 89, no. 1, March 2016. Pp. 241-269, [IF-0.71] DOI: 10.1007/s11277-016-3264-2 [Citations=3]
- Tarandeep Kaur and Inderveer Chana, “Energy aware scheduling of deadline-constrained tasks in cloud computing,” Cluster Computing [Springer], Volume 19 : no. 2, April 2016, pp 679–698, DOI: 109-114 , 10.1007/s10586-016-0566-9 [Citations=3]
- Sukhpal Singh, Inderveer Chana, Maninder Singh and Rajkumar Buyya, “SOCCER: Self-Optimization of Energy-efficient Cloud Resources”, Cluster Computing [Springer], vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 1787-1800, September 2016 [Impact Factor = 1.154]. doi:10.1007/s10586-016-0623-4 [Citations=0]
- Nidhi Jain Kansal, Inderveer Chana, “Energy-aware Virtual Machine Migration for Cloud Computing - A Firefly Optimization Approach”, Journal of Grid Computing, Springer, June 2016, Vol. 14, no. 2, pp 327–345 2016, [Impact Factor: 1.507] DOI:10.1007/s10723-016-9364-0 [Citations=2]
- Anju Bala, Inderveer Chana, "Prediction-based proactive load balancing approach through VM migration”, Engineering with Computers, Springer, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp 581–592, Feb 2016 [Impact Factor: 1.451] DOI: 10.1007/s00366-016-0434-5 [Citations=0]
- Priyanka Chawla, Inderveer Chana and Ajay Rana, “Cloud-based automatic test data generation framework”, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Elsevier, Vol. 82, no. 5, PP. 712–738, August 2016 [Impact Factor: 1.138] DOI: 10.1016/j.jcss.2015.12.001 [Citations=0]
- Sukhpal Singh and Inderveer Chana, “Cloud Resource Provisioning: Survey, Status and Future Research Directions”, “Knowledge and Information Systems”, [Springer], Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 1005–1069, 2016 [Impact Factor = 1.782] [Citations=12]
- Sukhpal Singh and Inderveer Chana, “A Survey on Resource Scheduling in Cloud Computing: Issues and Challenges”, “Journal of Grid Computing”, [Springer], vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 217-264, 2016. [Impact Factor = 1.561] [Citations=23]
- Sukhpal Singh and Inderveer Chana, “Resource Provisioning and Scheduling in Clouds: QoS Perspective”, “The Journal of Supercomputing” [Springer], vol. 72, no. 3, pp. 926-960, 2016, [Impact Factor = 0.858] [Citations=8]
- Sukhpal Singh and Inderveer Chana, “QoS-aware Autonomic Resource Management in Cloud Computing: A Systematic Review”, ACM Comput. Surv. Vol. 48, no. 3, 46 pages Dec 2015, [Citations=32]
- Sukhpal Singh and Inderveer Chana, “EARTH- Energy-aware Autonomic Resource Scheduling in Cloud Computing”, “Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems”. IOS Press, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 1581-1600, 2016, 2016, DOI: 10.3233/IFS-151866 [Impact Factor = 1.81]. [Citations=14]
- Sukhpal, Singh, and Inderveer Chana, 'Q-aware: Quality of Service based Cloud Resource Provisioning", Computers & Electrical Engineering - Journal - Elsevier, October 2015, Pages 138–160 [IF-.99] , vol 47, DOI: [Citations=27]
- Sukhpal, Singh, and Inderveer Chana. "QRSF: QoS-aware resource scheduling framework in cloud computing." The Journal of Supercomputing, Springer, Vol. 71, no. 1, pp: 241-292, 2015. [0.841] DOI:10.1007/s11227-014-1295-6 [Citations=40]
- Tarandeep and Inderveer, "Energy Efficiency Techniques in Cloud Computing-A Survey and Taxonomy ACM Computing Surveys, Volume 48 Issue 2, November 2015 Article No. 22 [IF-4.06] [Citations=23]
- Anju Bala, Inderveer Chana, "Autonomic Fault tolerant Scheduling for Scientific Workflows in Cloud Computing", Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, Sage, Volume 22, Issue 4, Pages 1–13, Sage Publishers, 2015 [IF-0.531] doi: 10.1177/1063293X14567783 [Citations=13]
- Aron, Rajni, Inderveer Chana, and Ajith Abraham. "A hyper-heuristic approach for resource provisioning-based scheduling in grid environment." The Journal of Supercomputing 71, no. 4 (2015): 1427-1450. DOI:10.1007/s11227-014-1373-9 [Citations=9]
- Bala, Anju, and Inderveer Chana. "Intelligent failure prediction models for scientific workflows." Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier 42, no. 3 (2015): 980-989. [IF-1.92] [Citations=12]
- Chawla, Priyanka, Inderveer Chana, and Ajay Rana. "A novel strategy for automatic test data generation using soft computing technique." Frontiers of Computer Science 9, no. 3, Springer, (2015): 346-363. [IF-.405] 10.1007/s11704-014-3496-9 [Citations=3]
- Neeraj Kumar Rathore and Inderveer Chana, “Load Balancing and Job Migration Algorithm : Survey of Recent Trends”, Wireless Personal Communication, Springer Publication, SCI indexed, ISSN print 0929-6212, ISSN online 1572-834X, impact factor 2012-0.428 , July 2014 [IF-0.653] [Citations=17]
- Neeraj Kumar Rathore and Inderveer Chana, “Job Migration with Fault Tolerance and QoS Scheduling using Hash Table Functionality in Social Grid Computing”, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, IOS Press publication, SCI indexed, ISSN print 1064-1246, ISSN online 1875-8967, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp-21-35,June2014. [IF.936] DOI: 10.3233/IFS-141243 [Citations=6]
- Nidhi Jain Kansal, Inderveer Chana, “Artificial bee colony based energy-aware resource utilization technique for cloud computing”, CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION: PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE, Vol. 27, no. 5, April 2015 Pages 1207-1225, [Impact Factor: 0.997] [Citations=9]
- Neeraj Kumar Rathore and Inderveer Chana, “Variable Threshold Based Hierarchical Load Balancing Technique in Grid”, Engineering with computers, springer July 2015, Volume 31, Issue 3, pp 597-615 [IF-1.088] DOI: 10.1007/s00366-014-0364-z [Citations=11]
- Kaur P.D., Inderveer Chana, “Cloud based intelligent system for delivering health care as a service”, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, published by Elsevier, Volume 113, Issue 1, January 2014, Pages 346–359 ,, [Impact factor 1.589] [Citations=54]
- Pankaj Deep Kaur, Inderveer Chana, “A resource elasticity framework for QoS-aware execution of cloud applications”, FGCS, Elsevier, Volume 37,pp 14-25, 2014, [IF=2.639] [Citations=29]
- Aron R., Chana I., “QoS based Resource Provisioning and Scheduling in Grids", Journal of Supercomputing, Springer, DOI 10.1007/s11227-013-0903-1, 2013, Vol 66, No. 1,Page no. 262-283, [Impact Factor:0.917] [Citations=3]
- Rajni, Chana I., “Bacterial Foraging based Hyper-heuristic for Resource Scheduling in Grid Computing", Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), Elsevier, Volume 29, No 3, pp. 751-762, March 2013, doi:10.1016/j.future.2012.09.005, [Impact Factor: 1.978] [Citations=30]
- Aron R., Chana I., “Formal QoS Policy based Grid Resource Provisioning Framework", Journal of Grid Computing, Springer, Volume 10, No 2, pp. 249-264, June 2012, doi:10.1007/s10723-012-9202-y, [Impact Factor: 1.310]
- R. Toor and I. Chana, ―Application of I.T. in Healthcare: A Systematic Review, in ACM, SigBio Record Newsletter, Article no. 2, August 2016.
- Sukhpal Singh, Inderveer Chana and Rajkumar Buyya "STAR: SLA-aware Autonomic Management of Cloud Resources," in IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, January 2017, DOI: 10.1109/TCC.2017.2648788
- Sukhpal Singh and Inderveer Chana, “QoS based Workload Design Patterns in Cloud Computing: A Literature Review”, “International Journal of Cloud-Computing and Super-Computing”, vol. 2, no. 2 (12-2015) pp. 37.46.
- Sukhpal Singh and Inderveer Chana, “QoS based Machine Learning Algorithms for Clustering of Cloud Workloads: A Review”, “International Journal of Cloud-Computing and Super-Computing”, vol. 3, no. 1 (06-2016) pp. 11-22.
- Chetan Chawla, and Inderveer Chana, "Day-ahead Pricing Model for Smart Cloud using Time Dependent Pricing", I. J. Computer Network and Information Security, 2015, 11, 9-19 Published Online October 2015 in MECS ( DOI: 10.5815/ijcnis.2015.11.02 [Citations=1]
- Jain, Nidhi, and Inderveer Chana. "Energy Efficient and High Performance Scheduling Algorithm for Grid Computing." International Journal of Cloud Computing and Services Science (IJ-CLOSER) 3, no. 3 (2014): 179-188. [Citations=1]
- Sukhpal Singh and Inderveer Chana, “Energy based Efficient Resource Scheduling: A Step Towards Green Computing”, International Journal of Energy, Information and Communications Vol.5, Issue 2 (2014), pp.35-52 [Citations=21]
- Inderveer Chana, Tarandeep Kaur, "Resource Scheduling Techniques in Utility Computing- A Survey", International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering(IJSSOE), 4(2), 44-65, April-June 2014[Citations=1]
- Rajinder Sandhu, Inderveer Chana, “Cloud Computing standardization initiatives: State of Play”, International Journal of Cloud Computing and Services Science (IJ-CLOSER),Vol 2, no 5, Dec 2013. [Citations=1]
- Taranpreet Kaur and Inderveer Chana, “Power-Aware Virtual Machine Scheduling-policy for Virtualized Heterogeneous Multicore Systems,” UACEE International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and its Applications – IJCSIA, Volume 3 : Issue 3 [ISSN 2250 – 3765], Publication Date : 09 September 2013, pp109-114 [Citations=0]
- Neeraj Kumar Rathore and Dr. Inderveer Chana, “Survey of Load Balancing Technique”, International journal of scientific and innovative technology, vol-1, issue-12013. [Citations=0]
- Rajinder Sandhu and Inderveer Chana, “Securing Virtual machines in Cloud Environment using OVF”, UACEE International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and its Applications – IJCSIA, Volume 3 : Issue 3 [ISSN 2250 – 3765],Publication Date : 09 September 2013, pp7-11[Citations=0]
- Neeraj Kumar Rathore and Inderveer Chana, “Report on Hierarchal Load Balancing Technique in Grid Environment”, International journal of scientific and innovative technology, I-manager’s Journal on Information Technology, Vol. 2, No. 4, ISSN Print: 2277-5110 , ISSN Online: 2277-5250, pp-21-35, Sep - Nov 2013. [Citations=9]
- Rajni Aron, Inderveer Chana, “Grid Scheduling Heuristic methods : State-of-the-Art”, pp. 466 - 473 ,Volume 6, 2014. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications[Citations=3]
- Neeraj Kumar Rathore and Inderveer Chana, “Network Security & Ethical Hacking against Cyber Crime”, International journal of scientific and innovative technology, Volume-1, issue-1, 2013. [Citations=0]
- Sukhpal Singh, Inderveer Chana, “Introducing Agility in Cloud Based Software Development through ASD”, IJUNESST, Volume.6, No.5 (2013), pp.191-202 . [Citations=14]
- Inderveer Chana , Tarandeep Kaur, “Delivering IT as A Utility- A Systematic Review”, International Journal in Foundations of Computer Science & Technology(IJFCST), Volume 3, No.3, May, 2013. [Citations=3]
- Sukhpal Singh, Inderveer Chana, “Advance Billing and Metering Architecture for Infrastructure as a Service”, International Journal of Cloud Computing and Services Science (IJ-CLOSER), Vol.2, No.2, April 2013, pp. 123~133, ISSN: 2089-3337. [Citations=22]
- Sukhpal Singh, Inderveer Chana, “Cloud Based Development Issues: A Methodical Analysis”, International Journal of Cloud Computing and Services Science (IJ-CLOSER), pp. 291~302,Vol.2, No.1, February 2013. [Citations=30]
- Sukhpal Singh, Inderveer Chana, “Enabling Reusability in Agile Software Development”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Volume 50 – No.13, July 2012. [Citations=12]
- Vikas Raheja , Inderveer Chana , “A Survey on Reliability Analysis for Distributed Computing”, accepted for International Journal of Graphics and Image Processing (IJGIP), Vol 2 Issue 4 , 2013. [Citations=0]
- Vikas Raheja , Inderveer Chana , “A Survey on Cloud Computing Architectures” Accepted for International Journal of Information Technology and Systems(IJITS) , Vol 1 Issue 2 , 2012.
- Abhishek Kaushik and Inderveer Chana, “Multi-Core Scheduling in Cloud Computing”, International Journal of Applied Information Systems (IJAIS) – ISSN : 2249-0868, Foundation of Computer Science FCS, New York, USA Volume 4– No.9, December 2012 –
- Deep Mann and Inderveer Chana, “Heterogeneous Workload Consolidation for Efficient Management of Data Centers in Cloud Computing”, International Journal of Computer Applications, IJCA Journal, pp.13-17, Vol 50, No 10 Year of Publication: July 2012, Impact Factor: 0.83
- Abhishek Kaushik and Inderveer Chana, “Ontology based Cloud Framework”, International Journal of Computer Applications, IJCA” Special Issue on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies for HPC Applications ACCTHPCA (1):37-41, June 2012, published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA, Impact Factor: 0.83.
- Priyanka, Inderveer Chana and Ajay Rana "Empirical Evaluation of Cloud-based Testing Techniques:A Systematic Review", ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Vol 37, issue 3, pp 1-9, May 2012.
- J.N. Kansal , Chana I., “Existing Load Balancing Techniques in Cloud Computing : A Systematic Review”, Journal of Information Systems and Communication, ISSN: 0976-8742, E-ISSN: 0976-8750, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2012, pp- 87-91 available online at Impact factor value: ICV: 4.57
- Anju Bala, Inderveer Chana “Fault Tolerance- Challenges, Techniques and Implementation in Cloud Computing” in International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), pp238-246, Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2012. impact factor: 0.242
- Kansal J. N., Chana I., “Cloud Load Balancing Techniques: A Step Towards Green Computing”, in International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), 1694-0814, pp238-246, Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2012. impact factor: 0.242
- Anju Bala, Inderveer Chana, “A Survey of Various Workflow Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Environment” published in International Journal of Computer Applications® (IJCA), pp 26-30 Vol ncict, Number 4, September 2011 impact factor: 0.83
- Inderveer Chana and Seema Bawa, “Extending Self-Healing in Grid Environment by Pulse Monitoring”, published in the Multiagent and Grid Systems, a peer-reviewed International Journal, published by IOS Press, ISSN: 1574-1702 (Print) 1875-9076 (Online), MAGS DOI 10.3233/MGS-2010-0150, Volume 6, Number 3/2010, pp 245-260 (Online) August 16, 2010, listed by ACM digital Library.
- Tanu and Inderveer Chana “An Efficient Scheduling Algorithm based on Dynamic Time Quantum for Grid Scheduler” published in International Journal of Information Sciences and Technology ISSN 0974-2255, Vol 2 No 3 2010.
- Inderveer Chana and Seema Bawa, “PRATHAM: A Framework for Resource Management in Grid Environment” published in International Journal of Advanced Computer Engineering, a peer-reviewed international scientific Journal, December 2008, ISSN:0974-5785, Vol.1, No.2, pp.45-55.
- Inderveer Chana and Seema Bawa, “Incorporating Enhanced Resource Provisioning in a Grid Resource Management System”, published in the International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications, an International peer-reviewed Journal, published by The Systemics and Informatics World Network (SIWN), UK, ISSN:1751-1461, Vol 3, Number 4, January 2008, pp.378-386.
- Inderveer Chana and and Seema Bawa, “Self-Managed Resource Model with Resource Provisioning Capability for a Grid Environment”, published in the Special Issue on Advances in Computing and Optimization Techniques, organized in International Journal of Applied Mathematical Analysis and Applications, January-December 2007, Vol 2, No.1-2, pp. 229-241, ISSN: 0973-3868, published by Serials Publications, India.
- Inderveer Chana and Seema Bawa, “Grid Middleware Technologies and OGSA: A Comparative Study ”, published in International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS), A Bimonthly Peer-reviewed Journal published by Praise Worthy Prize (PWP), ISSN 1828-6003, Vol. 1, No. 3, November 2006, pp 202-208.
Awards and Honours
- Singh S.; Chana I. A survey on resource scheduling in cloud computing: issues and challenges. Journal of Grid Computing 14, 2 (June 2016), 217-264. Review paper has been nominated and selected for the ACM 21st annual Best of Computing Notable Books and Articles as one of the notable items published in computing—this time for the year 2016
- Research group at University of Chicago selected research paper, "SOCCER: Self-Optimization of Energy-efficient Cloud Resources", for new doctorate students in June 2017
- Reviewer of IEEE Communications Letters, reputed journals like Journal of supercomputing, Springer, Software Practice and Experience, Wiley etc.
- Program Committee member of SCESM 2017, 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Computing Techniques in Engineering, Science and Management, to be held at JCE, Belagavi, Karnataka
- Priyanka, Chana, I., and Rana, A., "Empirical evaluation of cloud-based testing techniques: a systematic review", ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Volume 37, Issue 3, May 2012, pp. 1-9. selected as part of Useful Materials by Software Testing Research Group of Department of Computer Science | East Carolina University, NC, USA
- Program Committee member of EDCC 2016, 12th European Dependable Computing Conference, Sep 5-9,2016, Sweden
- Technical Program Committee member of Fourth International Symposium on Women in Computing and Informatics, co-affiliated with Fifth International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2016).
- Reviewer In-charge of third Annual International Conference on Cloud Computing and Virtualization 2012. The Conference Proceedings will be indexed by SCIrus and EBSCO, amongst others.
- Received 'Certificate of Merit' for presenting the paper “Cost based Resource Provisioning Policy for Grids” at The 2011 International Conference of Parallel and Distributed Computing held at Imperial College, London, U.K. from 6-8 July 2011
- Co-Editor / Reviewer-In-Charge (RIC) of CCV 2011, Reviewer In-charge of International Conference on Cloud Computing and Virtualization 2011. The Conference Proceedings will be indexed by SCIrus and EBSCO, amongst others.
- Reviewer of International Conference on Communication, Computing & Security (Proceedings by ACM with ISBN-978-1-4503-0464-1)
- Reviewer of book: “Software Project Management” published by Pearson Education
- Reviewer of book: “Software Engineering A Primer” by W. Jawedkar published by Tata McGrawhill
- Reviewer of book: “Software Project Management” by published Tata McGrawhill
- Certificate of Recognition conferred by Infosys Technologies Limited for outstanding contribution to Campus Connect Program during 2009-10.
Description of Research Interests
Currently the research focus is in the area of Cloud Computing with the specific focus on resource provisioning and scheduling while delivering Autonomic QoS to the Cloud Users. In future, the research interest would be on the application areas of Cloud Computing with the amalgamation of two other upcoming technologies namely big data computing and IoT.