Assistant professor
Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering
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Aditya Parihar is Assistant Professor in Geotechnical section of Department of Civil Engineering, Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala. Aditya was appointed in July 2015 after completing his doctorate from Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru. Formerly an Associate Consultant in ATES, AIMIL Ltd., New Delhi, He has field experience in various site investigation projects. Aditya completed his Masters from Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee in 2007 on “Seismic Response of Retaining walls”. He has experience in numerical modelling problems related to geotechnical engineering and has ample experience of geophysical field investigations like MASW. He has mentored 5 undergraduate group projects in Thapar. He is shouldering the responsibility of UG industrial training coordinator and lab in-charge for geotechnical engineering laboratory now.
Research Interests
- Experimental and numerical modelling of Retaining structures
- Site response studies
Membership of Professional Bodies and Associations
- Affiliate member, ASCE, American Society of Civil Engineers
- Member of ISSMGE, International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
- Member of Indian Geotechnical Society
Research Publications
- Anbazhagan P, Neaz Sheikh M. and Aditya P (2013), “Influence of Rock Depth on Seismic Site Classification for Shallow Bedrock Regions", Natural Hazard Review ASCE 14(2), 108–121.
- Anbazhagan P, Aditya Parihar and Rashmi. H.N. (2012), “Review of correlations between SPT N and Shear Modulus: A New Correlation Applicable to Any Region” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 36; 52–69.
- Anbazhagan P., Prabhu G. and Aditya P. (2012), “Seismic Hazard Map of Coimbatore using Subsurface Fault Rupture” Natural Hazard, 60:1325–1345.
- Anbazhagan P, and Aditya Parihar, and Rashmi H.N. (2011), “Amplification Based on Shear Wave Velocity for Seismic zonation: Comparison of Empirical Relations and Site Response Results for Shallow Engineering Bedrock Sites”, Geomechanics and Engineering, An International Journal, 3(3); pp 189-206.
- Anbazhagan P, Prabhu Gajawada, Moustafa Sayed S. R, Nassir S.Arifi Al and Aditya P., (2014), “Provisions for Geotechnical Aspects and Soil Classification in Indian Seismic Design Code IS-1893” Disaster Advances, 7(3), 72-89.
- Anbazhagan P., Parihar Aditya (2015), "Selection of Modulus and Damping Curves for Site Response Study" Proceedings of 6'th International Geotechnical Symposium on Disaster Mitigation in Special Geoenvironmental Conditions, January 21-23, 2015, Chennai, India, pp 161-164.
- Anbazhagan P., Adithya P and Dr. Abhishek Kumar (2014), "Indian Seismic Microzonation Practices and Research Challenges" Abstract Volume (AES 2014)- Key Note on Seismic Microzonation Session 3: Methodologies on Seismic Microzonation and Implication for Policy, 3rd Annual Convention on Advances in Earthquake Science, January 04-06, 2014, Gujarat, India pp-90-93.
- Anbazhagan P., D. R. Manohar, and Aditya Parihar (2012), "Role of Shear Modulus Correlation on Site Response Study" Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC-2012), December 13-15, Delhi, India, Vol.II, PP. 1025-1028.
- Anbazhagan, P., Deepu Chandran, Aditya Parihar and M. Rajkumar Singh (2011), “Subsurface Characterization Using Seismic and Ground Penetrating Radar – Compare with In-Situ Sampling” Geotec Hanoi 2011- ISBN 978 - 604 - 82 - 000 – 8
- Anbazhagan P, Parihar Aditya, H. N. Rashmi, P. Gajawada (2010), "Site Classification Practice In Shallow Bedrock Regions In Asia: Comparison Of Response Spectrum", Proceedings of 14’th European conference on Earthquake Engineering, Ohrid, Macedonia, Paper ID-1282: P-8.
- Parihar Aditya, Saxena Navjeev, Paul D.K. (2010), " Effects Of Wall-Soil-Structure Interaction On Seismic Response Of Retaining Wall" International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, San Diego, California, Paper No. 8.
- Anbazhagan, P. Sitharam, T.G., Aditya P. (2010), “Correlation between Low Strain Shear Modulus and Standard Penetration Test ‘N’ Values” International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, San Diego, California, Paper No. 1.13b:P-10.
- Anbazhagan, P. and Parihar, A. (2010) “Seismic Site Characterization in India and Rock Depth Issues” Proceeding Indian Geotechnical Conference – 2010, GEOtrendz December 16–18, 2010, Mumbai, Indian Vol.1, pp 155-158.