L |
T |
P |
Cr |
3 |
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4.5 |
Prerequisite(s): None |
Energy Conversion Principle: Magnetic field, Field energy, Mechanical
forces and torques in singly-excited and doubly-excited
systems, Electric field.
Rotating Machines: Concepts of reluctance and
electromagnetic torques, Concept of transformer and speed e.m.f`s.
and torque in round-rotor machines.
Transformers: Theory and operation, Phasor
diagram, Equivalent circuit, Open circuit and short circuit tests, Regulation,
Performance estimation, Auto-transformers, Parallel operation, Three phase
transformer connections, Instrument transformers: Current Transformer (CT) and
potential transformer (PT); Pulse transformers.
DC Machines: Methods of excitation, Magnetization and
operating characteristics of generators, Starters, Speed-torque
characteristics of DC motors. Speed control, Losses and efficiency. PM motors.
Induction Machine: Induction motor principle and
applications as stepper and brushless motors, Induction motor equivalent
circuit, Torque-slip characteristics, Methods of starting,
Speed control of 3-phase induction motor.
Synchronous Machines: MMF
and EMF phasor, Concept of synchronous reactance,
Regulation by EMF and MMF methods, Synchronous motor starting and V-curves.
Laboratory Work: DC machines: Constructional features,
Characteristics of generators and motors, Speed control, Efficiency.
Transformers: Open and short circuit tests, Parallel operation, Harmonics in
no-load current.
Induction Machines: No load and Blocked rotor tests,
Starters. Synchronous Machines: Regulation calculation by EMF method.
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