





Prerequisite(s): None


Energy Conversion Principle: Magnetic field, Field energy, Mechanical forces and torques in singly-excited and doubly-excited systems, Electric field.


Rotating Machines: Concepts of reluctance and electromagnetic torques, Concept of transformer and speed e.m.f`s. and torque in round-rotor machines.


Transformers: Theory and operation, Phasor diagram, Equivalent circuit, Open circuit and short circuit tests, Regulation, Performance estimation, Auto-transformers, Parallel operation, Three phase transformer connections, Instrument transformers: Current Transformer (CT) and potential transformer (PT); Pulse transformers.


DC Machines: Methods of excitation, Magnetization and operating characteristics of generators, Starters, Speed-torque characteristics of DC motors. Speed control, Losses and efficiency. PM motors.


Induction Machine: Induction motor principle and applications as stepper and brushless motors, Induction motor equivalent circuit, Torque-slip characteristics, Methods of starting, Speed control of 3-phase induction motor.


Polyphase Synchronous Machines: MMF and EMF phasor, Concept of synchronous reactance, Regulation by EMF and MMF methods, Synchronous motor starting and V-curves.


Laboratory Work: DC machines: Constructional features, Characteristics of generators and motors, Speed control, Efficiency. Transformers: Open and short circuit tests, Parallel operation, Harmonics in no-load current.


Induction Machines: No load and Blocked rotor tests, Starters. Synchronous Machines: Regulation calculation by EMF method.

Text Books

  1. Bimbhra, P.S., Electrical Machinery, Khanna Publishers (2008) 2nd ed.
  2. Mukherjee, P.K. and Chakravorty, S., Electrical Machines, Dhanpat Rai and Co. (P) Ltd. (2004) 2nd ed.
  3. Nagrath, I.J and Kothari, D.P., Electric Machines, Tata McGraw Hill (2004) 3rd ed.


Reference Books

  1. Bimbhra, P.S., Generalized Theory of Electrical Machines, Khanna Publishers (2007) 5th ed.
  2. Toro, Vincert, Electromechanical Devices for Energy Conversion, Prentice Hall of India  (2004) 2nd ed.
  3. Fitzgerald, A.E., Kingsley, C. Jr, and Umans, Stephen, Electric Machinery, McGraw Hill (2002) 6th ed.