L |
T |
P |
Cr |
3 |
1 |
0 |
3.5 |
Graph theory and Network equations: Graph, Tree and link branches, Network matrices,
Incidence matrix, Basic loop and cut set matrices, Relation between network
matrices, Choice of linearly independent network variables, Topological
equations for loop current and topological equation for nodal voltage, Source
transformation Tellegen’s theorem and its
Network Theorems and Two Port Network
for AC circuits: Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s
theorem, Millman's theorem, Reciprocity theorem and
Maximum power transfer theorem as applied to A.C. circuits, Two port network description
in terms of open circuits impedance, Short circuit admittance, Hybrid and
inverse hybrid, ABCD and inverse ABCD parameters, Image parameters,
Inter-connection of two port network, Indefinites admittance matrix and its
applications, Duality networks.
Inductively Coupled Circuits: Dot convention, Coefficient of coupling, mutual
inductance in loop and nodal equations.
Filters : Classification of filters, Analysis of prototype
filter section, Analysis of a prototype
low pass filter, High pass filter, Band pass filter, Band stop filter, M-derived filter, Low pass filter with RC and RL
circuits, High pass filter with RC and RL circuits, Low pass filter with RLC
circuit. Introduction of different types of active filters.
Attenuators: Attenuation, Types of attenuators, Symmetrical T-type attenuator, Symmetrical p-type attenuator, Symmetrical bridged T-type attenuator, Symmetrical lattice type attenuator,
Asymmetrical L-type attenuator, Asymmetrical p-type attenuator.
Synthesis: Synthesis vs. analysis,
Elements of circuit synthesis, LL FPB networks, Purpose and scope of network
Positive Real Functions: Definition, Necessary and sufficient conditions for a
function to be positive real, Testing of driving point functions for positive
FOSTER and CAUER Forms: Foster and cauer forms of
LC Networks, Synthesis of RC and RL networks.