




Prerequisite(s): None

Course Objectives: To understand the concepts of Robotic technology, to enable selection, programming and design of robotic systems

Fundamentals: historical information, robot components, Robot characteristics, Robot anatomy, Basic structure of robots, Resolution, Accuracy and repeatability

Robot Kinematics : Position Analysis forward and inverse kinematics of robots, Including frame representations, Transformations, position and orientation analysis and the Denavit?Hartenberg representation of robot kinematics, The manipulators, The wrist motion and grippers.

Differential motions, Inverse Manipulator Kinematics: Differential motions and velocity analysis of robots and frames.

Robot Dynamic Analysis and Forces: Analysis of robot dynamics and forces, Lagrangian mechanics is used as the primary method of analysis and development.

Trajectory Planning: Methods of path and trajectory planning, Both in joint?space and in Cartesian?space.

Actuators and Sensors: Actuators, including hydraulic devices, Electric motors such as DC servomotors and stepper motors, Pneumatic devices, as well as many other novel actuators, It also covers microprocessor control of these actuators, Mechatronics, Tactile sensors, Proximity and range sensors, Force and torque sensors, Uses of sensors in robotics

Robot Programming, Systems and Applications: Robot languages, Method of robots programming, Lead through programming methods, A robot programs as a path in space, Motion interpolation, WAIT, SIGNAL and DELAY commands, Branching capabilities and limitation of lead through methods and robotic applications.

Fuzzy Logic Control: Basic principles of fuzzy logic and its applications in microprocessor control and robotics.

Course Outcomes:After the completion of this course the student will be able to:

Recommended Books

  1. Gonzalez, R. C., Fu, K. S. and Lee, C.S.G., Robotics Control Sensing, Vision and Intelligence, McGraw Hill (1987).

  2. Koren,Y., Robotics for Engineers, McGraw Hill (1985).

  3. Niku, S.B., Introduction to Robotics, Analysis, Systems, Applications, Dorling Kingsley (2006).

  4. Predko, M., Programming robot controllers, McGraw Hill (2002).